The word for the week was cold! I hope this past week was our one week of real winter weather but in Middle Tennessee, you never know.
I did manage to make it to the pool twice and keep up with the plan of three days of stretching and core.
I finally put my money down for the race. With the price set to go up the end of the month, it was just a matter of time. So, now I’m committed!
Monday was the speed day. Ran 8 miles with 4 at half marathon pace (8:01, 8:04, 7:56, 7:53).
Tuesday, I swam at lunch and then ran 4 miles after work.
Wednesday’s plan called for 10 miles.
Thursday, was another trip to the Y at lunch.
Friday, I ran 4 miles in 22 degrees.
The overnight low Friday night was in the low teens. So I waited until the sun came up before heading out Saturday morning around 7. Later than I normally like. Once I got warmed up, didn’t really mind the cold.
Here is a link to the splits.
Training for the week
Sun: Rest
Mon: 8 miles w/4 @ tempo – 1:06:45, 8:20 pace
Tues: 4 miles – 35:22, 8:49 pace/Swim
Wed: 10 miles – 1:26:00, 8:35 pace
Thur: Rest/Swim
Fri: 4 miles – 34:37, 8:38 pace
Sat: 15 miles – 2:03:00, 8:47 pace
Total for the week: 40 miles