Still Running
Bob left a comment last week asking if I was still around and reminding me that I had not posted anything for a while.
I am still here and still training. In fact, I’m still on target for the St. Jude Marathon in Memphis in December.
I have been training using a custom schedule that I build based on the RRCA Coaching Certification I got this summer.
The plan has a heavy emphasis on building endurance with slow mileage. I have two more weeks in the “sharping” phase that includes speed work. So for October, I logged 236 miles. I have put in five 20-plus mile runs and have two more to go.
November 4th, 2009 at 8:52 pm
I figured you were still running but that life had interfered with blogging. That’s a whale of a lot of miles. The current issue of Running Times has a good article on building a base of long, slow, aerobic miles.
I knew that moving back to Nairobi would probably mean a decrease in my mileage — a lot fewer options for routes being in a city of 4 million people and at least 10 million vehicles! I’ve been sub-100 miles for the past 2 months but I really want to build back up.
November 8th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
Wow, those are some good mileage lists, David!! Way to go!!
Glad the legs are holding up…you are on target for Memphis again.