Slip Sliding Away

It snowed last night as advertised. Since the wind has blown the snow into drifts, it is hard to tell how much we got, probably in the 4 to 6 inch range. I know by Northern standards, it it not a lot but for us Southern folks, that amount shuts us down.

DSC 0059

I’ll get out later today and either run outside if the roads clear up enough or (parish the thought) run on the treadmill at the Y.

3 Responses to “Slip Sliding Away”

  1. Lisa Says:

    wow, we didn’t get half of that here an hour southeast of you.

  2. Joe Says:

    You said it well…not a lot by Northern standards but a big time blizzard in Tennessee. Yeow!! Hope you got out on the roads for your long run…that would be brutal on the thrill-mill.

    Is that photo out your front door??? Looks like a beautiful setting!!!

  3. Rae Says:

    Wasn’t the snow great????? I wish we had 1 or 2 more every year!!

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