Racing the Storm

From listening to the weather forecast, I knew that today was to be a “transition” day. The forecast called for a high in the 70s today with the possibility of storms this evening with Tuesday’s high in the low 50s.

I checked out the radar before heading out this afternoon to run. It looked like the front was in Kentucky but not a strong storm line.

It was clouding up and the wind was gusting from the south. Not a bad November afternoon to run. Also, with the time change, I knew that it would be dark by the time I returned home.

The plan called for a VO2 Max run, 8 miles w/5 x 600m. Not a bad run, my times for the repeats were 2:47, 2:46, 2:46, 2:49, 2:51.

As I was finishing up the last repeat, I started seeing the lighting to the north. I kept the pace up, hoping that I would make it home before the storm.

With a mile still to go, I heard the tornado sirens. Great. It was dark so I could not see a funnel cloud if one appeared. So I kept running into the wind. With about a quarter mile to go I felt the first drops of rain. Instead of walking home to cool down, I ran straight to the house. I was glad to be safe inside.

Training for the week
Sun: Rest
Mon: 8 miles w/ 5 x 600m – 1:09:22, 8:38 pace

One Response to “Racing the Storm”

  1. Joe Says:

    Transition time indeed…solid workout. Pfitz has a lot of quality miles in it, I can tell.

    Will be very cold for my run tomorrow morning here…November, it is.

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