Morning Run

I really enjoy my Saturday morning runs. I didn’t plan a long run this morning. I figured that 6 to 8 miles would be enough. So I didn’t set my alarm but woke up at my normal time. I was out the door about 5:30. It was a great morning to be out. It was cool, in the low 40′s and there was a lot of ground fog. Shorts and a jacket were enough but by the time I got back I wished I had taken some gloves because my hands were cold. Ending up running 8 miles. Felt good but need not get to focused on the mileage, need to keep reminding myself to slowly build it back, at least for one more week (grin).

Today is a big day at the Haywood house, Amy graduates from college this afternoon. One down, two to go!

One Response to “Morning Run”

  1. Phil Says:

    Congratulations to your graduate. I’ve got one completing her undergraduate degree in May and still have two more to get through college before I can turn off the money faucet.

    Nice run this moring.

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