
I could tell you about the flash flooding we had this afternoon and that while I was running on the treadmill at the Y folks had to move their cars because the parking lot was flooding. But all that really doesn’t matter in the larger scheme of things.

You see my friend Jim was back at work today. It was the first time I got to talk with him since he was told the day after Christmas that he has stage 4 cancer. Jim’s first words to me was, “God, is Good.” Jim is 43 and has 5 children, the oldest a senior in high school.

Jim told me he felt fine and how strange it seemed knowing that he only had some 24 months ahead of him rather than 24 years.

I know others who have had friends that have dealt with cancer before, and one of my sisters is a survivor, but Jim has been told that his prognosis is not good and at best his time is limited. Knowing this, Jim said, “God is good”.

God has allowed Jim time for closure. Time to demonstrate his faith in an all sufficient God. A faith that is more than words but lived out in the ultimate reality of life.

Pray for Jim. Pray for his family. Pray that Jim may be healed, if it is God’s will. But in the end, pray that all of us who know Jim can say, “God is Good.”

5 Responses to “Reality”

  1. Dusty Says:

    wow. Jim, his family and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Lisa Says:

    “God is good.” I pray for your friend & his family.

  3. Bob Allen Says:

    Really puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? One of our personnel has brain cancer. He has hung on for longer than we really expected. His wife has written some pretty incredible e-mails describing her spiritual journey through this — how much her faith and dependence on God has grown. I’ll pray that Jim and his family will keep their eyes on Christ and will live out their faith one day at a time.

  4. Joe Says:

    All the time. God is good.

    My prayers for Jim, indeed. And thanks for being a friend to him, David. It is no accident you are there, in his life. He’ll need you. And you’ll be there.

  5. darrell Says:

    Will do, David. In times like those it takes a special person to be able to know and say that indeed. It’s the Jim’s of the world that
    inspire us to keep the faith.

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