Its Hard to Believe

Where has the year gone? It is hard to believe that it is already Thanksgiving week. Only three weeks to Huntsville and then three weeks to the end of the year.

One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving week, other than eating, is that I try and take the week off. Since the office is closed Thursday and Friday, it is a good way to get in a week’s vacation and only have to use up three days.

Slept until 6 this morning. It has been a long time since I slept that late on a week day.

It was 70 degrees when I ran this afternoon. Not bad for mid November. Ran 8 miles with 5 x 600m intervals.

I learned when I ran Chicago in 2005, that in late November the New Balance store will put all the Chicago Marathon merchandise on sale. So I have been checking the site on a regular basis. Well, today was the day. It is all half price. I guess since the race was stopped half way through, it is only fitting to buy the souvenirs at half price. (grin)

Training for the week
Sun: Rest
Mon: 8 miles w/ 5 x 600m – 1:08:08, 8:31 pace

2 Responses to “Its Hard to Believe”

  1. Joe Says:

    You plan well to take the week off. Thanksgiving always seems to creep up on me…thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Michele Says:

    You have been tagged

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