
I have not run since Saturday. I told myself I would not run until Wednesday. In some ways I think is takes almost a must discipline not to run as it does to keep to a training schedule.

My hamstrings were still sore yesterday. My legs were stiff this morning when I got out of bed but I can always attribute that to my age (grin). My legs still feel tight after sitting for a while but slowly and surely, I’m coming around. Really looking forward to running tomorrow afternoon.

Just as there are stages of grief, I believe there are stages of a marathon. They go something like this:

  1. This is great. Great day…great pace. I so glad I’m running.
  2. This isn’t to bad. I can do this.
  3. Half done. Maybe the second half will not seem to take as long (denial).
  4. This is getting tough
  5. What was I thinking? I paid good money to do this?
  6. Maybe the half-marathon is my distance.
  7. This will be my last marathon.
  8. I finished…never again
  9. That wasn’t that bad.
  10. Ok….I can do this. When is the next one.

So now I am looking at what’s next. I can’t decide on either the new Georgia Marathon in March or to do the Country Music Marathon again the last of April. Since the Country Music race is local that makes it cheaper and easier and I’m familiar with the course. The Georgia Marathon is the inaugural race and I think it would be cool to say I ran in the first one. I guess I need to decide soon to start training. But for now…I will rest for one more day.

2 Responses to “Never…Maybe….When”

  1. Rae Says:

    Run Georgia!! We’re doing it!!

  2. Lana Says:

    You are so right about the stages of the marathon. How soon we forget the pain we were in!

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