Daily Run

I am slowly trying to build up my swimming skills. I made some progress last week even though it was in the small pool at the motel. So today, my plan was to go by the Y after work, run 4 mile on the trail behind the Y and then do swimming drills.

Received an email about mid-day that my wife, Gayle, wanted me to show her how to use the weight machines at the Y, could I help her after I run.

So I ran the 4 miles. It was hot but the trail is mostly shaded except by the soccer field at Crocket Park. Got back to the Y and helped Gayle.

Every time I walked by the pool I would check to see if there was an open lane. Usually they have three lanes set up but today there were only two. Every time I check, there were folks swimming. I just am not to the point yet where I am comfortable sharing a lane. So I skipped the swim. I might try swimming at the downtown Y during lunch.

One Response to “Daily Run”

  1. Michele Says:

    That was nice you to help your wife out and give up the swim. Major points!!

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